Super Green Detox

I’ve always been interested in health and healing. I still have the first healing book my brother gave me in the 1990’s titled: “Natural Healing with Herbs” by Humbart Santillo, N.D. I loved thumbing through that book and finding home remedies for the things that ailed me. That was the beginning of my interest in healthcare. For me, the fact that we can assist our bodies with plants has always been amazing! 

I was diagnosed with the Big “C” in 2009. I was in an awful relationship and not taking care of myself physically, emotionally or spiritually. As I look back now, I see I had to experience those imbalances in order to guide me to where I am today, but at the time, life was scary.

Fortunately, I knew a holistic MD who reminded me that I could heal my body naturally. I had to make major lifestyle changes and rewire my brain to understand how polluted our modern lives have become, but green juicing was a primary part of his detoxification technique. I’m still here, so we did something right! 

You might be asking yourself, what were all of his anti-C techniques? That would take awhile to answer, but I will certainly address some of those methods here in the future.

For now, I want to share his green juice recipe with you, my fellow reader! Because even if you don’t have cancer, it’s still an amazing way to detox the body, boost your immune, and give your vehicle the nutrients it craves. 

To me, this is one of the most delicious juices on Earth, but if you aren’t into earthy health foods, you will likely disagree! I can say that it gets better once you become accustomed to it, but if you don’t like greens, you won’t like this juice – it’s for health, not your taste buds. It is a juice for the wise!

As a licensed professional, I cannot say this will make you lose weight or cure cancer, but it is a big hug for your body and it will thank you.

Super Green Detox

Prep: 20 minutes

Yield: 2 quarts of juice


  • 10 stalks of Celery
  • 1 to 2 Cucumbers (peeled if waxed)
  • 2 bunches Kale
  • 2 bunches Spinach
  • 2 bunches Dandelion
  • 1 Granny Smith Apple (Optional)
  • 1 Lemon (peel the yellow rind, being careful to leave as much white pith on the lemon as possible
  • 1 inch of fresh Ginger Root, peeled (Use more if you like – it’s super good for you!)
  • 7 to 10 stalks of Parsley (Add last, after all the other ingredients have been juiced,
    because it tends to bind in the juicer)

Juicing Tips:

  • Strain fresh prepared juice to increase absorption and benefit to the body, this also makes it easier to drink
  • Store juice in glass jars with rubber seal. Fill jar as full as possible, as
    extra air trapped in the bottle destroys nutrients
  • The highest nutritional value is within the first 45 minutes after making the
    juice. This is not always feasible; however, do not make your juice the
    night before. This is a waste of time and nutrients. Make your juice fresh each morning and evening.

Additional Tips:

  • This is a detoxifying juice – using regular produce defeats the entire purpose of the cleanse. Always use organic produce.
  • It is really important to always drink plenty of fresh water daily to help flush toxins and cleanse the kidneys. The more, the better.
  • Do not use red or yellow apples (the sugar content is not good for fighting C).
  • When you bring the vegetables home, wash and dry
    thoroughly. Cut off root ends of spinach and celery to separate, rinse
    thoroughly with water to remove all dirt.
  • Use salad spinner to dry spinach, dandelion, and kale. Place all other
    vegetables on towels to air dry thoroughly.
  • Buy green stay fresh bags for produce. Portion the produce out
    according to the number of juices you will make. (i.e. Enough veggies. for
    1 qt of juice per day for a week, then portion & pack veggies in 7 bags)
    Pack green veggies only (do NOT include cucumbers). Cucumbers, lemons,
    apples, and ginger are prepared at time of juicing. If using paper towels to
    dry and store veggies, use a chlorine free variety.

Please consult your physician before starting a new diet, especially if you are currently taking prescription medication.